Start the free HR software comparison now!

We at CLEVIS know the HR IT provider market for over 10 years and also have experience from over 1000 successful HR IT projects implementation. What does that mean for you? We really know what we are talking about and do not compare functionalities from sales brochures. Talk to us, regardless of whether you are looking for HR software for individual departments, you question the entire HR IT and/or want to align it for the future, or you want to expand your digital skills with special functions.

We would classify for which areas you are looking for software so that we can help you. Not all providers fit every customer size. Which HR software is already in use and which framework aspects of HR software are important to you.

HR Software Comparison

We will find the right HR software for you!

In welchen Bereichen soll die Software eingesetzt werden?

Wie viele Mitarbeiter hat Ihr Unternehmen?

Nutzen Sie aktuell bereits eine HR Software?
Wenn Ja: Welche Software haben Sie im Einsatz?

Was ist Ihnen bei der neuen Software besonders wichtig?


The decision in favor of HR software should be made on a well-founded basis. We will help you to consider the relevant aspects. Some of them are:

  • Scope of the HR area to be digitized
    • Is it about individual “islands” such as recruiting, HR administration, time management?
    • Is it about an integrating perspective in the sense of holistic talent management or a solution package for HR core issues?
    • Are you looking for a fully integrated solution with modules for all areas?
    • etc…
  • What are the HR-related challenges in your company today and in the coming years?
    • Large volume of vacancies
    • Expansion of opportunities for digital further education
    • Influence on the performance of employees and managers
    • More efficient HR administration through the introduction of digital self-services
    • Replacement/introduction of solutions for billing of the fee
    • Replacement/introduction of a solution for tracking time management and personnel deployment planning
    • Replacement/introduction of a digital personnel file
    • etc…
  • Which HR areas are already digitized today – what does the HR IT roadmap look like?
    • Integration of HR IT in One ERP strategy
    • Cluster strategy for a good mix of IT management perspective and professional suitability
    • Best of Breed for maximum technical innovation in each individual area
    • etc…
  • Market environment in terms of implementation service providers
    • Availability of experienced implementation partners
    • Are there pre-configured best practice approaches or do you buy “blank” solutions?
    • etc…
  • etc…

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Already reached over  1200 projects and therefore, over 6 million
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